Mullein For Lungs
Mullein Plant
I have noticed an increase respiratory issues. If you are at a large event you will hear a chorus of coughs.
For 5 years I have been stricken with a lingering cough. Before this I never had allergies or respiratory woes. My husband & kids have allergies & asthma so they get hit especially hard.
I almost expect the cough twice a year. It shows up whenever it wants. It doesn’t rely on pollen or seasons. To fight this at a more natural pace I have been diving into the plant world.
God has given us plants to help us. In the Bible a plant was put in a pot of food to take out poison. Most plants will mimic how they will help. Mullein for example has soft velvety leaves. It may help smooth out your lungs from unneeded build up.
I have dried mullein that I purchased from Mountain Rose Herbs. They say this about how it helps the Lungs: “The leaves have an exceptional affinity for the respiratory system and are regarded for their expectorant and demulcent properties. Mullein’s energetic actions include cooling, drying, and moistening.”
Every once in awhile I go to my over the counter help with a nasty cough at night. In order to get ahead of this time I have a mullein tincture where the leaves are extracted in alcohol. It turns a lovely brown color. I have made an infused oil with leaves. I made a Menthol Mullein salve to apply at night.
If I find the cough is getting worse I will go to steaming mullein leaves & cover my head with a towel & breathe it in over the boiling water. I have also seen mullein cigarettes. It makes sense since you want the plant to go into the lungs!
Whatever you choose it is always best to be ready before it hits. Getting our immunity strong is number one, but sickness happens to the healthiest.
I will be posting a You tube video on Lori’s Resourceful Treasures or on Rumble at sweettreasures621 on mullein tips & ideas.
Keep cough free my sweet friends!
Sweet Treasures